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Can I preselect how my campaigns should be connected?

Can I connect all my campaigns at once in the right rows of my campaign structure? And if so, how do I do this?

Yes, you can! Thanks to the Campaign Connection Settings. You will find this option in the Segment Management area in the settings at the top right. Similar to the 1-click setup, you can use this function to define default settings, but here you do not set how campaigns are created, but how they should be connected within the product segments

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You have the choice of leaving the setting at "Individual by segment" or defining your own rules for connecting under "Based on campaign syntax".

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Individual connection per segment

If you decide to connect the campaigns individually for each segment, you can find out how this works here.

This option is particularly useful if the naming of your ad groups does not follow a specific pattern. You can also choose this option if you only have a few campaigns and would like to manually track which campaigns are connected where. With many campaigns, however, this will be a lot of work, which is why you should consider the connection setting based on your campaign syntax.

Connection based on campaign syntax

You can use this method to create your own connection logic for your campaigns and ad groups. You create this logic in the following two steps.

1. Selection of the ad type, campaign type and marketplace

In the first step, you must select the ad, campaign and marketplace type for which you want to define your default settings. 

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-02 um 15.44.24Click on "Next" when you are satisfied with your settings.

2. Structure of the conditions

On the next page, you define your conditions for connecting the campaign. To do this, first select the focus of a row in which you would like to connect your campaigns. You can then enter which syntax should be included in your campaign name so that these campaigns are connected in row with the respective focus. You also have several options for determining the campaign names. Instead of choosing which syntax the campaign name should contain, you can also enter what the campaign name should not contain, select or deselect the exact name and specify what the campaign name should begin with.

Once you have finished with the first focus, simply select another focus and go through the same steps again. You also have the option of creating a new focus here.

Tip: You can also define several conditions for the name of the campaigns that are to be connected in a row.