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How can I connect existing campaigns in the Segment Management?

How can I connect my existing campaigns in Segment Management?

If you have already created a new product segment, the next step is to fill it with campaigns or ad groups.

Here you have the option of creating new campaigns or adding existing ad groups to the segment. This is what this article is about.

Another option for connecting campaigns in product segments is the automatic connection via the Campaign Connection Settings.

To add existing campaigns, click on the "Connect existing campaigns" button in the respective segment.

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A window will now open in which you have several options for setting up your campaign structure, which we will discuss in more detail below.

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You will now see a row for Sponsored Product Ads at the very top, which you can still provide with a focus. 

Add rows

If you would like to create further rows, click on "+ Add new row" and select the desired advertising type for the new row. A new row is now created that contains the relevant fields for the selected advertising type. You can also assign a focus to the row.


Assign ad groups

To assign the ad groups to the rows now, drag and drop the desired ad groups into the fields provided in the rows. It is not possible to drag ad groups into a slot that is intended for a different ad type or match type.

To help you find out which of your campaigns is performing best, you can see a brief summary of the ad group's sales and costs by hovering over the ad group.


Note: It is not relevant that the ad group you have selected contains all the products in the product segment you have created. Products from the product segment that were not yet included in the selected ad group will be added to the ad group when the ad group is connected.

To make it even easier for you to select the right ad group, you have the option of sorting the campaigns by name, sales and costs, filtering by ad type or searching directly for the ad groups. You will find these functions directly above the suggested ad groups.

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Important: In the next step, you can select whether all ad groups that you have not selected for the structure should be paused or continue to run.