How can I add ASINs as targets to the Product Attribute Targeting (PAT) campaign?

Is it possible to add ASINs as targets to the existing PAT campaign?

Yes, this is possible for Sponsored Products Ads. You have two options, which are explained below.

Option 1: add ASINs with "Product" match types

Please go to the relevant product in Product Management and click on "+ Add keywords". Choose "Product"  in the tab of "Match Types".  Then enter the ASINs in the tab "Enter Keywords" or use "Suggestions" to add ASINs. Select the right focus of the row and click on save and choose "Add keywords only".

The ASINs are added to the PAT campaign. Thanks to our Keyword Management,  they are also excluded as negative ASIN in the corresponding AUTO campaign.

At the moment, the negative ASINs can not be seen on BidX. Please check them on your Amazon Advertising.

Option 2: Add ASINs or negative ASINs in Discover

Alternatively, you can select the PAT campaign and ad group in the Discover view and add the ASINs via "+Targets". Here you will be asked for the bid. And you can add the ASINs in the tab "Targets". If you click on the tab "Neg. Target", you can also add negative ASINs to this ad group. Then click on "Save". The ASINs or negative ASINs will be added only to this ad group.

The ASIN via Discover added to the PAT ad group will not be added as a negative ASIN in the corresponding AUTO campaign.