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What does it mean to hide or remove products?

What influence does hiding or removing products in the product settings have on the respective products?

Hide products

To hide products in the product settings, click on the "Hide product" field and confirm your selection. The product is then highlighted in gray.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-20 um 09.49.44You can now set a filter so that hidden products are no longer displayed. No function, reporting or similar changes. It is purely a matter of how the product is displayed in the product settings.

Remove Products

If you want to remove a product from the platform, you can do this via the three dots in the respective product tab. 

Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-20 um 09.48.07However, if you remove a product in the product settings, this has an impact on several factors. On the one hand, the product will of course no longer be listed in the overview, and on the other hand, the data for this product will no longer be included in the key figures in the dashboard. The product is then no longer taken into account by the platform.

This makes sense for old products that may no longer be advertised and therefore only hinder clarity, but also in the event that you only want to manage certain products via the platform and therefore only want the reporting to show these products.